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30 min.. "Resistance" USA Iranians vs. The Shah of Iran. More than 63 killed in Iran after his USA visit.
30 min.. Paul Krassner, Realist to Hustler. Part I: Gemstone File. Bruce Roberts.
30 min.. Part II: Gemstone File. Murder of Pope Pius XI.
30 min.. Summary of News 1977. Up-date on Past Programs.
30 min.. Power Control Group. Mark Lane, Dick Gregory. Cover-up of J.F. Kennedy. Larry Flynt gets into J.F. Kennedy Business. Wants "New Evidence."
30 min.. William Webster, FBI Director. Conspiracy Digest. S. Meagher, M. Lane as part of Power Control Group. Tex Watson-Manson-Christ. Interpol.
30 min.. William F. Buckley and CIA Family, Nazis, Inerpol, Rockefeller, Royal Dutch Shell. Window Dressing of "Left-Right" in USA.
30 min.. Tex Watson and Christ. Rockefellers and Treason? J.F. Kennedy, New Orleans.
30 min.. .
30 min.. .
30 min.. Larry Flynt's Los Angeles Free Press. Analysis of Cover-up.
30 min.. Mae's guests are Preston Truman and attorney Douglas Wallace. Howard Hughes documents, the Mormon church, Watergate. MP3 Audio
30 min.. Defense Department, DISC, Shooting of Larry Flynt.
30 min.. Govt. and Health, Mind Control. Swine Flu, Testing humans, Cancer, Poisoned Marijuana, Gene Splicing, Third World Sales. Genocide.
30 min.. OUI, Mae Brussell, New West, INTERPOL, Ajax File, French Connection, Narcotics, CIA, Drug Traffic, Police, International Police Collusion.
30 min.. Charles Winans vs. Krassner and Rolling Stone. CIA-Louise James, Mind Control of primary witness. Memory Erased of Activist. MP3 Audio
30 min.. The Holocaust, Nazi doctors. Get FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OUT OF MEDICINE, MINDS.
30 min.. King Alfred Plan, National Security Council, "Vaporize" Blacks. Arlie Foundation, AID, CIA, FBI, Population Control.
90 min.. Mae is a guest on KOME Radio's "Expressway Show" hosted by Victor Boc. Very poor sound quality. And missing a few words every 30 min. from tape turnover.
30 min.. King Alfred Plan, National Security Council, "Vaporize" Blacks. Arlie Foundation, AID, CIA, FBI, Population Control.
30 min.. Suggestions for action. Ways to use the research, tapes. Why the change from radio program to newsletter. Last show at KLRB. From now on recording shows at home. 1st min. poor quality.
1 hour. This show is now called World Watchers International. Poisoning cattle to cause cancer in people. Mormons in Utah. IS ADOLF HITLER ALIVE? Bibliography sheet
30 min.. Mae is a guest on Victor Boc's program on KLRB Radio. Incomplete; apparently the 2nd half of an hour-long program.
1 hour. Update of news. Public Relations, selling Nazi Argentina. Czarists, Solzenitsyn, Brezezinski war mongers Lt. Col. White, mind control. Diaries at Foothill College, Los Altos, Calif.
1 hour. INQUEST, Gary Powers, J.F. Kennedy Assassination. William Sullivan. Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, Hitler's financier, Otto Skorzeny, Nazi Bunge Corp., Onassis, Were We Controlled?
1 hour. PLOT AGAINST THE PEACE, 1945, Michael Sayers. Pan German plan to conquer the world. Hitler's single purpose, world conquest. Current fascism. Warnings ignored. Mind Control. Psychological Warfare.
1 hour. Update of news. Zodiac Killer, S.F. Police, Manson, Russian Fascists, Who Financed Hitler? Gen. K. Student, 88, and other obituaries of the week now silenced.
1 hour. .
1 hour. Jack Ruby, two missing hours. Sat. Nov. 23, 1963. Ruby and Warren Commission, polygraph test. Where was Ruby?
1 hour. OSS, CIA, Pope Paul VI. Patty Hearst, "SLA is CIA" update. Don Gray, FBI. Leo Chearne, SLA. "Little Green Book" affair. Bibliography sheet
1 hour. Leo Cherne, CIA, continued from last week. Pres. Ford's advisor, intelligence, linked to SLA, Patty Hearst kidnapping. SLA, BLACK ABDUCTOR, murder of Donald DeFreeze. LAPD intelligence. Bibliography sheet
1 hour. M.L. King Assassination. House Select Commitee. James Earl Ray. Bibliography Sheet
1 hour. FBI-Martin Luther King, James Earl Ray. J.F. Kennedy and silencers. CIA and silencers. House Select Committee on Assassination.
1 hour. Evelle (Evil) Younger, Part II. Running for Gov. of California, political career not over yet. Available. Beware. Study this man.
1 hour. PART I: Analysis of House of Select Committee on Assassination. J.F. Kennedy assassination. THE PEOPLE'S ALMANAC, Vol. II.
1 hour. PART II: J.F. Kennedy Assassination. Patty Hearst and CIA, Pope John Paul I murdered. PSA San Diego crash, recent J.F. Kennedy witness deaths. Bibliography sheet
1 hour. PART III: J.F. Kennedy, House Select Committee. What they refuse to examine. Evidence missing. As bad, worse than Warren Commission.
1 hour. PART IV: J.F. Kennedy, House Select Committee.
1 hour. PART I: Mae Brussell and family. The high cost of doing research. Risks, accidents, death, near death. FBI files since 1966. "Fear of Fascism."
1 hour. PART II: Flight hazards, family harassments, car fires, "unusual circumstances," agents planted? Not easy!!
1 hour. The Vatican, PART I. I.G. Farben, Auschwitz, The Polish Pope John Paul II. Side 1 semi-poor quality
1 hour. PART II: Politics and the Vatican. Death of Pope John Paul, "no autopsy" ordered 1975. Hitler, Vatican, Nazis, I.G. Farben, Prince Bernhard, the Bilderbergers. Did Brezezinski select this one?
1 hour. PART III: Vatican, fascism, I.G. Farben, Ford Motor Co., Rockefellers, Duponts, Auschwitz. Will this combine make WWIII?
1 hour. PART I: Jonestown, Guyana. Mind Control, UCLA, CIA. Government Experiments. Bibliography Sheet Transcription of Show
1 hour. PART II: Guyana, Jim Jones federal agent? Outline to study for future information about Jonestown. Defense Department, conspiracies. Bibliography Sheet
1 hour. PART III. Guyana, Dr. Lawrence Layton, Lisa Philip Layton, Dan Philip. Where is George Phillip Blakey? Who set up Jonestown? All White Men? White women with funds. Occupations? Past, present?
1 hour. Phony escape of James Earl Ray, 1977. Tennessee. Mark Lane, Grace Walden, Jim Jones, Maxine Swaney. Jonestown to erase memories? Semi-poor quality
1 hour. Grace Walden, Maxine Swaney murder. Fingerprints and mind control. PART V: Guyana. Rep. R. Preyer, drug king of Congress. J. F. Kennedy assassination.
1 hour. Assassinaion Information Bureau, AIB, J. F. Kennedy assassination cover-up. Evaluation of Mae Brussell research to other critics. End of side 1 is warped, but audible.
1 hour. J.F. Kennedy cover-up continues. Exhume Oswald. Jonestown $26,000,000 in 14 countries. FBI agent Wesley. Swearingen, Mark Lane, Don Freed.
1 hour. Murder or disappearance of CIA-NSA-DIA agent John Paisley, PART I. Links to Lee, Marina Oswald. Gehlen Nazi spies and CIA.
1 hour. PART II: John Paisley "missing." James Jesus Angleon, J.F. Kennedy assassination. Leonard Kille, Mind control, Dr. Delgado, Dr. Vernon Marks, Dr. Frank Sweet. Links of Jonestown, UCLA, experimens? Iran developments.
1 hour. Death of Art Cherry, Nelson Rockefeller; Rocky murdered? PART I: Strange contradictions of Rocky suggest foul play.
2 hours. Mae on KGO Radio. Some static
1 hour. PART II: Death of Rockefeller. Similarities to Ted Kennedy at CHAPPAQUIDDICK in 1969. Rocky removed so Reagan will have less competition for the White House. The people behind Reagan much worse than the people behind Rockefeller. Killer teams now in control for 1980.
1 hour. German political assassinations, CIA safe house, Md, Younger and La Costa, Obershain crash, Virginia. Murder of Rockefeller, PART III. Andrew Hoffman, Dr. E. Esakof, Dr. Michael Baden, no autopsy. Some varying tape speed problems.
1 hour. Rocky's murder, PART IV. Iranian cassettes, Mae's cassettes, Ali Shariati, killed 1977. Arizona, Nixon, land frauds, diamond scandal, Don Bolles murder. Missing last few words of sides 1 & 2 (Mae's tape ran out).
1 hour. Auschwitz and Pope John Paul II, more on Rocky murder, CIA safe house? Poinchetta Pierce, California connections, USC connections, Hughes, Gay, Nixon, Pierce, Marshack, Lustig, White House plumbers. More dirty tricks. Blackmail, Sex, elections. Nixon suppressing public broadcasting.
1 hour. TREASON FOR MY DAILY BREAD, Michael Lebedev, J.F. Kennedy ASSASSINATION. British book. Allegations of fatal head shot, hired assassination.
1 hour. BOOK "ALTERNATIVE 3". Last week a NATO secy. defected to the Soviet Union, warns that Nazi Germany is reviving. Mae's taxes. Book "The Klan" by Patsy Sims. John Connally. Death of John Paisley. Books published between 1929-1950 best for history of WWI & WWII.
1 hour. Book ALTERNATIVE #3. Fact or fiction? Space colonies for genocide? Missing British scientists, Brain Drain, comparisons of this information with Nazi Gehlen and Project Paperclip. Harper's article on Disneyland.
1 hour. Mike Curb, S. I. Hiakawa. Look out for 1980!! Jim Jones arrest, Dec. 1973, Police, Atty. Gen., FBI, CIA, all agencies covered up. "Destroy and seal" file, 1973.
1 hour. NUCLEAR INSANITY. Election murders. CIA murders. Mae Brussell vs. Victor Marchetti and Paisley-Nosenko importance. Hearst-Shaw pre-wedding "party" vs. S. F. Lesbians.
1 hour. ALTERNATIVE #3: up-date. Eastern religion and CIA, Jim Jones, Dan Mitrione, Hitler's legacy. Election murders?
1 hour. COLONIA DIGNIDAD, Chile: Part I. West Germany "orphanage" and similarities to Jonestown, Guyana, Martin Bormann, Nazis, S. Africa, CIA can of worms. Torture, assassination teams? Bibliography sheet
1hr. 30 min.. Mae on another radio program. Topic is the book "Alternative 3." A few words missing every 30 min. from tape turnover.
1 hour. COLONIA DIGNIDAD, Part II. Comparisons to West Germany, Chilean Colonia and Jim Jones Jonestown, Guyana. Bibliography sheet
1 hour. Update of news. Skylab, Nazi criminals. Corporate Crime, Jim Jones hit squad still exists. Carter-L.A. plot. Moscone-Hughes, Moscone-Jonestown. FBI Bell, P. Herndon, Jack Ruby. Promoted.
1 hour. Dan White and Nazi type courts in S. F. Guilty get off. Defense and prosecution team-work. Jonestown cover-up. White: "They were going to use me as scapegoat."
1 hour. Chicago air crash. Henry Regnery, publisher for U-2 pilot Gary Powers. Murder of juror, judge, attempted murder of atty. Fay Stender, Who owns Dan White? The Fugu Plan. Japan. Kissinger, Shah of Iran, murder of King Faisal, then oil up $$.
1 hour. J.F. Kennedy inquiry by Congress, "The Mob did it." Pope returns to Auschwitz. Darlan murder. Vorster scandal. L.A. Strangler and Police connections. Mind control, 2 people like Candy Jones.
1 hour. The CIA and the J.F. Kennedy files, Part II. Brazil, Gustav Wagner, will not extradite. Carter survival scoreboard. Reichstag Haig. Presidency launced with fake assassination attempt; Red scare. List of Space Colony files, Space Law, genetic mutations?
1 hour. J.F. Kennedy assassination. General Dynamics. Albert E. Jenner and Warren Commission cover up. Jenner with Albert Shasteen.
1 hour. SOME OSWALD DOUBLES. Nazi Dr. J. Mengele. J.F. Kennedy autopsy forgery. JOHN PAISLEY, CIA, up-date from other tapes.
1 hour. Mae's mail problems. BZ Drug tests, Mind Control, CIA, J.F. Kennedy assassination; Oswald double, Larry Crafard, employed by Ruby for 3 weeks before 11/22/63. Military connections. Mysterious background. Bibliography sheet Some portions semi-poor quality.
1 hour. BZ, Mind Control. CIA and mind testing. CIA and education. Who gets the breaks, who writes the tests? Racism and control. Bibliography sheet
1 hour. PART I. HOW THE PAST AFFECTS OUR FUTURE. Brief list of dates, from 1826 to 1919. Bibliography sheet
1 hour. PART II. Continuation of important dates that influence today. 1920-1945. Bibliography sheet
1 hour. PART III. Some important dates from the past. Continuation of the last two weeks. 1945-1948. Bibliography sheet
1 hour. Rockefeller Medical Institute. J.F. Kennedy witness killed? California politics, dirty teams, RIETZ, NOFZIGER, VIGUERIE, REAGAN, LAXALT. Argentina "missing scientists", "Nazis". Bibliography sheet
1 hour. Alternative #3, J.F. Kennedy and Harrison Livingstone, Death of Lamott, Hanna Reitsch (Hitler escape), Counter-intelligence agents, Manson-Karpis, John Ellsworth, from Altamont to the White House. Bibliography sheet
1 hour. Deaths of Tolstoy, Wrangel, Albert Kahn. Vatican Corruption, Pope John Paul II missing $90 million. Polish cover-up. Drug test over S.F. "Pneumonia Clouds." Bibliography sheet
1 hour. Vatican Corruption. More Pope evasions, French Nazis, Czarist Nazis. Communications control. "Poison clouds over Utah." Govt. Medical conspiracies. Legionnaire's, other diseases. Bibliography sheet
1 hour. More Poison from Army, crops. Son of Sam accomplice. S.F.-USA Reichstag "terrorist" rehearsals, S.F. Wayne E. Cullinane. Bibliography sheet
1 hour. J.F. Kennedy Witness shot, Miami. DEATH OF YOUNG, Politicians, artists. Memphis, Tennessee. PHONY PRISON DOCTOR (James Earl Ray there), Churchill double for voice. VATICAN, FARBEN, SOLVAY CHEMICAL. The Auschwitz Pope on parade. $7 million plus in U.S.A. Bibliography sheet .
1 hour. California violence. Procunier, Bates, Younger, Curb, Reitz. Vatican finances, organized crime, death of Vatican witness. Bibliography sheet
1 hour. Iranian files. Turning point in U.S. history. Imperial Shah and Crowned Cannibals.
1 hour. Iranian up-date. Nixon and Nazis in USA. Carter and Mob. James Eppolito, John Ellsworth, Catholic charities. Underworld Nixon. Mob deaths: "5 persons." Nazi files. Montoya, New Mexico.
1 hour. Vatican going tough. Space Colonies. Microwave leaks. J.F. Kennedy assassination information locked for fifty years! Trilateral. Richard Ober, Kissinger-Shah. Carter drug connections. Bibliography sheet
1 hour. Shah under arrest? Colonia Dignidad, Chile, Nazi J. Mengele. 12 deposed dictators in 1979. Carter-narcotic connections. Radiation experiments, Westover Air Force Base, Miss. Bibliography sheet
1 hour. Ajax File, Interpol. Operation Ajax: Shah for US oil, CIA. Iran, "CIA spies, "House Committee on J.F. Kennedy, M.L. King; illegal ploys. USA-FBI vs. Popeye Jackson. Jack Eggars, California law enforcement. Bibliography sheet
1 hour. Iran to WWIII, Shah with Helms, Rogers, CIA, Javits, Pahlevi Foundation. Why USSR moving? Arrest of Frank Terpil, George Korkola. Links of CIA, Nazi funds to 3rd world weapons, Part I. Bibliography sheet
1 hour. Part II. Terpil, Korkola, Oceanic. Terror on the Right. Links to CIA, Pentagon, FALN, Anti-Castro Cubans, Carlos Ramirez, Munich Olympic murder of Israeli athletes.
1 hour. Middle East Imperialism. Motives for WWIII planted in 1919. The Great Conspiracy. Herbert Hoover. Aftermath: Nazi Bormann, Odessa, Peron, Swiss banks, Vatican, S. America. Third World is really Third Reich. Africa, South-Asia, South-Central America
1 hour. Weapons=contracts for USA. Part III: Terpil, Korkola, British supplier. SOBOTAGE, OCEANIC, "1984." Part I: Forces of Power by W. Taub, Bormann, Nazi paintings. Bormann Receipt. Bibliography sheet
1 hour. Part IV: Terpil, Korkola, Weapons, England. CIA. Part II: Taub, Forces of Power. CIA, Mob Hughes, Watergate, "missing oil paintangs." Teamsters, Rosselli, Nixon, Trujillo, Vatican.
1 hour. ABSCAM I. "Missing oil paintings" New Mexico prison deaths. Soviet Motives for Afghanistan move. .
1 hour. ABSCAM III, MIPORN: stolen art, hired killers, New Mexico prison riot, Michele Sindona trial, mob, CIA, Vatican links. Jonestown-Laotian Colonia Dignidad. Chile, Guyana, Church and CIA. .
1 hour. FBI, ABSCAM IV, Hoffa wars, purposes of ABSCAM. Election fraud. FBI "leaks". Ukiah, kidnappings. Sindona, Vatican, Free Masons, CIA.
1 hour. Up-date of news. Middle East Narcotics war. Carter Admin. drug connections, Ga. Mafia. FBI, ABSCAM V. Vance, Vesco, Bourne. Casinos.
1 hour. Murder of Allard Lowenstein. Mind control of Dennis Sweeney. Links to Jimmy Carter. Dr. Peter, Mary Bourne vs. Ted Kennedy associate.
1 hour. David Berkowitz, SON OF SAM. Reagan's Watergate: William "Gehlen" Casey, SEC. Moon treaty; moon law. Update Alternative 3. Murder of Phil don Angelo Bruno, London, New Jersey, Phil. connections.
1 hour. Blackmail and Bullets. Sindona and Deneselva. Shah and CIA. Murder of Westchester Dr. H. Tarnover Jean Harris. Phil, J.F. Kennedy links.
1 hour. Tarnower murder, Part II. Madison Square Garden, CIA, sports links. ABSCAM BRILAB pulls in Irv. Davidson, D.C. Carlos Marcello, J.F. Kennedy murder.
1 hour. Errol Flynn and Nazis. J.F. Kennedy assassination, Davidson, Marcello, mob and CIA. Anderson, "explosive J.F. Kennedy info. with FBI." DEA assassination team. Frederich Schwend death. Operation Bernhard.
1 hour. Mob links from Philadelphia to N.J. to SF George "Jonestown" Moscone death. FALN CIA assassin-terrorists, Democratic Convention, Madison Square Garden. Terpil, Korkola, Cummings links. Agnew, Liddy, death squads.
1 hour. Up-date of Iran "Dilemma," 6 mos. later. Brink of War. William Taub, Forces of Power, Part III, WBAI-FM, New York. Media control by CIA.
1 hour. Voting Machine Frauds. Classroom computer espionage. More leaks in Defense. Carter-Narcotic connections. Heroin, Middle East. More psychosurgery coming back?
1 hour. Tin Drum. Vernon Jordan attack, Jean Seberg-FBI, murder. De W. Wolfer, LAPD Police chemist, R.F. Kennedy case, fired. Ed Davis, LAPD, for Calif. Senate. Assassination team, from J.F. Kennedy, organized to "TURN WORLD CHRISTIAN." Glomar Explorer. Fay Stender. Oswald exhumation.
1 hour. Reagan WILL UNLEASH CIA, FBI, TO SPY ON CITIZENS AGAIN. Hoover Institute, Palo Alto, Czarists-Nazis behind Reagan, Death of Helen Douglas, Walter Dornberger, Assassination on campus.
1 hour. Nameless victim bill Sacramento. ROBERT JOSEPH ZANI, TEXAS. CIA assassination teams, Ft. Bragg, S. Carolina. Marilyn Baker, SLA-CIA reporter, named as FBI spy. Irish vs. Italian mafia.
1 hour. FBI report. Nazi Joseph Mengele, in USA 1966, Las Vegas, Arizona. Alias: Harold Endinan or Harold Endiman. U.S. Citizen since 12/5/32. Not sought by FBI as war criminal in 1966. Errol Flynn Nazi Gestapo boss, Dr. J. Erben, also US citizen, 11/10/30. CIA, "John Paisley death either murder or suicide, will not tell.
1 hour. Back on KLRB! Shah is dead. Most important news events past 2 years. House Select Committee on Assassinations, Jonestown, ABSCAM, Pope from Auschwitz. Necessity to accumulate facts on history and assemble the characters by name, years, locate sources of assassination conspiracies and methods of covering them up.
1 hour. J.F. Kennedy assassination. Billy Carter-Robert Vesco, Frank Terpil, George Korkola, Ed Wilson, Sen. John Tower, CIA Sam Cummings, CIA assassination teams. N.J., Wash. D.C., Texas.
1 hour. CIA, Navy, Heroin traffic, Frank Nugan, John Paisley and J.F. Kennedy assassination links? CIA funded terrorist schools in Libya. Terpil, Korkola, Billy Carter. Narcotics and politics.
1 hour. FACES OF POWER, Truman to J.F. Kennedy assassination. Hoover Institute, Lincoln assassination, US Empire. Assassins moving into power.
1 hour. "A MAN", Fallaci, Heritage Foundation vs Left, Missing millions for Nazi-narcotic connections. Reagan's think tank at Georgetown, Edward N. Lutwak, Coup d' Etat.
1 hour. Anniversary of J.F. Kennedy, Jonestown. Genetic Research, "DORA". James Earl Ray appeal to talk about King financed murder, Jack Anderson team member. CIA-Mafia-Exner blackmail, J.F. Kennedy.
1 hour. CIA coming back strong, CIA-Oswald links, Marina 99% sure "Oswald Grave is Empty", "Ray denied pardon", Errol Flynn and Gestapo, up-date. Melvin Belli, Aadland, Nazi links. Bibliography sheet
12/14/80 1 hour. JOHN LENNON, PART I. Motives, Musicians murdered, Mark David Chapman's Doubles? Collecting memories since 1964. Bibliography sheet
12/20/80 1 hour. JOHN LENNON, PART II. MARK DAVID CHAPMAN, Travels, Countries, Training to Kill? Mind Control. The Mysterious Art Gallery, wife. Bibliography sheet
1 hour. JOHN LENNON, PART III. Discussion of Future Murders, Past Assassinations. What can we do about it?
1 hour. MGM, LAS VEGAS FIRE. Arson? Linked to THE FORMULA? Jonestown and CIA in Angola, Afghanistan narcotics war, CIA and Richard Allen in Portugal. Tim Hardin. Evil Younger to DC? Jimi Hendrix and the FBI. Nazis in news. Moonies and Reagan's Heritage Foundation. Bibliography sheet
1 hour. Reagan and the Mob, Drugs and Hollywood, Art Gallery murder, Dr. B. Diamond, Sirhan Sirhan and Mark David Chapman, mind control. Up-date on Nazis WWIII, Hitler's yacht in Florida.
1 hour. Guest host Bill Kaysing, author of "We Never Went To The Moon".
1 hour. Reagan and the Big lie, Hughes and CIA, Nazis, gun running, and narcotics, Mitchell WerBell and Afghanistan. Marguerite Oswald died. "Lee was in FBI and CIA."
1 hour. Overview of World Watchers, linked to missing millions, billions of dollars. Darlin June Cromer and Ford, Nixon, Klan, Nazis. Drugs and Jean Harris. Sindona, Vatican and mobster rescue attempt in NY. Almost got out again Sindona escaped before.
1 hour. Wells Fargo Bank, Calif. Missing $21 million, or $300,000,000? over "8-9 years". Funded CIA-SLA? Manson family? Co-intelpro in Calif? Links to missing CIA $55,000,000 Nugan Hand, Australia?
1 hour. Soviet Response to Reagan's "terrorism". "You killed J.F. Kennedy, M.L. King, R.F. Kennedy, Tsombe, Lamummba, Torres, and more. Tried to kill Castro." More links of Nugan Hand, CIA, Australia, to Wells Fargo. Part II
1 hour. Wells Fargo, Nugan Hand, Calif. "missing money" Part III. TV's Evita, TV lies, Reichstag Haig pushing for WWIII, S.F. Phillip Thompson, John Abbott, Michael Hennessey story. "Headquarters of International Crime Conglomerate." Links to Wells Fargo and Nugan Hand? It would have to.. Bibliography sheet Transcription of broadcast
1 hour. CIA Missing Millions. Nugan Hand, Australia. Funds for Lennon killing, setting up Jonestown? Wells Fargo scandal. Calif. links to spies? Spies, CIA, banking complications. The KILL MONEY?
1 hour. More on Nugan Hand, Wells Fargo. MISSING MILLIONS, Dewey Dee, Phillipines, West Germany, Eduardo Rabi. Fascist Money. "Bank robberies", "bank failure", going to espionage funds? Bibliography sheet
1 hour. Best Evidence, David Lifton, Macmillan, N.Y. 1981. Review of new book on J.F. Kennedy assassination. Double coffins? Double autopsies? Lifton's "Rosetta Stone" is really his "pet rock".
1 hour. Time for shoot-out at White House. Coup or war, which one? Necessary at this time to cover too many things coming apart!!! Who will be behind it? The team, HAIG, update Wells Fargo. Bibliography sheet
1 hour. Reagan almost killed. Shooting began 11 hours after KGB prediction. Analysis of the assassination attempt. Interconnecting links. E.B. Williams, CIA top attorney, hired for John W. Hinckley Jr. Bibliography sheet Semi-poor
1 hour. Guest Prof. Ray Fabrizio, from Monterey College. Similarities between the Reagan murder attempt and the J.F. Kennedy assassination. The same formula. Bibliography sheet
1 hour. Reagan murder attempt. John Hinckley Jr., Nazis. Haig and Bush attempt to take over the White House. CIA Mob attorney E.B. Williams for Nazi Hinckley. Links going back to the other assassinations. Bibliography sheet
1 hour. "Declaration of War in D.C.". Is F. Daspach real? John Hinckley Jr. background. World Vision, Christian fronts, CIA. Final Conflict, Omen III, 20th Century Fox. EST and Werner Erhard. Millions for Christ or for genocide and spying? Fronts for exterminators? Bibliography sheet
1 hour. Watch Haig. Silence about Reagan assailant. Chronology of Haig's giant leap into the White House. How long back was Reagan Presidency arranged? Reagan and Mieiklejohn, 1937. Like Nixon?
1 hour. Double in Reagan shooting? FBI covers up again. Romoval of U.S. Attorney C. Ruff before arranged trial? How the courts deceive!!
1 hour. Who was behind Pope John Paul II's murder attempt? Five possible motives. F. Daspach again? The questions never asked. Terror on the Right strikes again.
1 hour. Mehmet Ali Agca, International links, Nazis, German Funds, SS. Known fascist associates. German 'Wolf Clubs', Hitler Werewolves. USA, YAF. Nazi imports to alter Congress, cause chaos, assassinations.
1 hour. Italian Masonic Lodge scandal, P-2. Licio Gelli, international Fascist, Nazi. Italy's missing millions to South America. Links to Vatican, Michele Sindona. Part I. Bibliograpy sheet Transcription of broadcast
1 hour. Part II. Italian Masonic Scandal. Why Pope John Paul II and Ronald Reagan had to be shot. Links of both to Licio Gelli, Nazis, Permindex, J.F. Kennedy assassination teams. Attempted murder of King Carlos, Spain. Reagan, Sindona, Nixon, Connally, Haig, Vatican, CIA, DA, Mafia. Bibliography sheet
1 hour. Attempted invasion of Dominica Island. World Nazis, Klan, CIA. Murder of Roger Wheeler, Boston, Miami, Okla. Israel vs. Timmerman. Poisons in Middle East. Frank Terpil, G. Korkola. Nazis in Lebenon. Bibliography sheet
1 hour. Seymour Hersh. N.Y. Times, on Edwin Wilson, Frank Terpil CIA terror. Italian Masonic Scandal. Wells Fargo Bank, Calif. Nazi SS Skorzeny with CIA, US Intelligence. CIA funds terror over the globe. Bibliography sheet
1 hour. Part II, New York Times, S. Hirsh, Edwin Wilson, Frank Terpil, CIA terror. Links of CIA assassins to Europe, Middle East, Australia, Nugan Hand Bank. CIA-Heroin, Special Forces-Green Berets. Many past years of research coming together now, missing links being exposed!!! Bibliography sheet