Mae Brussell's World Watchers International
Bibliography sheet for tape #402 August 17, 1979 Side 1HOW THE PAST AFFECTS OUR
1826 The murder of William Morgan, writer, for revealing secrets of the Free Masons. Hitler to fight Masons as well as Jews later.
1830 Mormon Church, Joseph Smith, Revelations. Now the repository for all our lives, front for CIA, computer-fed data banks.
1838 U.S. Civil War. Southern industry destroyed to block further wars. South turned to Armaments, Soldiers. Turned against it's monster. Their revenge only coming to fruit with 1980 elections.
1860's Czar Alexander II and USA, President Abraham Lincoln, working to advance Russian technology. Standard oil, USA, British Empire, Royal Dutch Shell to be threatened. Want Russia subdued.
1862 Nobel family, gunpowder and other inventions, danger to British fleets in Baltic, Crimean War.
1872 Robert Nobel established in Baku, Russia, building pipelines, railroads, storage for oil. First oil tankers. Baron Von Mohrenschildt, father of George, Oswald's friend, in charge.
1877 Standard Oil, USA, gains national ascendancy of oil market.
1919German secret cults forming. Anti-semitic, nationalistic. Pan German movement VOLKISCH, interest on occultism. This movement never ended. Strong today. Strength behind Hitler.
1891 Cecil Rhodes, S. Africa, controlled 90% of world's diamond supply. Formed Round Table, Great Britain, secret society.
Rockefeller, Standard oil, started funding University of Chicago.
1901 Rockefeller Medical Institute, Rockefeller U. New York. Oil baron now in "medicine, education." Our institutions of learning and health began to be controlled by industry.
1905 First Russian uprisings, revolutions, hints of future. Japan wiped out Russian fleet, believed they could be conquered.
1906 Russia, Great Britain, France planning containment of Germany. Russians wanted Dardanelles, France wanted to restore Alsace and Lorrain, iron mines and coal, Britain their empire holdings. Germany building a navy that threatened British supremacy.
1908 Col. House, Texas, in Britain with Herbert Hoover. Round Table conspirators. Would defeat Woodrow Wilson's goals later.
1908 -
1924W. Buckley Sr. in Mexico City for Rothchild's Shell, Rockefeller oil.