November 9, 2004

Dear World Watcher,

In September 2004 I purchased a documentary (on dvd) called "9/11 - In Plane Site" from the website This video presents compelling evidence that the terrorist attacks on September 11 were a hoax. Among other things, the news footage from that day show that the two planes that crashed into the Twin Towers were not the actual American Airlines flights 11 and 175; demolition charges, not planes, caused most of the destruction at the World Trade Center; and an airplane did not actually crash into the Pentagon.

People have suggested that some of the news footage and photographs in "9/11 - In Plane Site" have been fabricated. After all, you can do anything with a computer these days. Anyone familiar with political assassinations in the United States knows that often deep layer "disinformation" is put out to screw up, swat down, confuse, bore, and sometimes discredit that small percentage of people smart enough to poke holes in the official story.

It just so happens that I, like millions of people, have several hours of vcr footage from that day. At 6:55am pacific time (9:55 eastern time), a few minutes before the first Twin Tower collapsed, I began recording the news coverage, flipping through the channels taping anything I thought was important. I recently went through my tapes and compared what I have to what is presented in "9/11 - In Plane Site." Some of the things I am able to confirm. And other things, well.....

While reviewing my 8 hours of tapes I made some discoveries! And I decided to edit my tapes down to 2 hours of what I believe to be important coverage and put it on dvd and vhs tape for people who are interested. If you would like the dvd please be sure your player can play consumer "dvd-r" disks. Some older units have a problem with them. The 2 hour edited version is $15. For all 8 hours plus the 2 hour version (5 dvds total) please send $40. E-mail for complete ordering information.

The footage includes:

  • Eyewitnesses describe a 727, 737, or "the smaller plane" crash into the North Tower. Nobody describes it as a Boeing 767 as American Airlines later claimed it to be.
  • (This obvious discrepancy in size is not mentioned in "9/11 - In Plane Site.")

  • At 11:07am (eastern time) CNN's Aaron Brown talks with CNN's Alan Dodds Frank who is in lower Manhattan. Frank apparently reports that another building collapsed 2 or 3 minutes ago. He says it happened at about 10:45 (his time is off by about 20 minutes). He says it fell 15 minutes after the collapse of the North Tower (10:28) and a firefighter estimated 50 stories fell. When viewing this clip notice that Brown doesn't ask which building fell; why it fell; or, were there people in or around the building. Instead, he cuts away from Frank and changes the subject! Shortly after this conversation the clock underneath the CNN logo disappears and is never displayed again.
  • KTVU Channel 2 (local Oakland, Calif. station) correspondent Mike Majchrowitz reports live from the Pentagon. He says that a little after 10am the smoke seemed to be going down and then there was a set of explosions and it turned black again. He also says he hasn't yet seen an eyewitness to the crash.
  • CNN's Jamie McIntyre reports live from the Pentagon. He says there's no evidence of a plane having crashed anywhere near the Pentagon; no large sections of wing, tail, or fuselage visible.
  • Even though there is a freeway in plain view of the Pentagon explosion, in all my news footage from that day the only witnesses who claimed to see a plane crash were from over-the-phone reporters quoting nameless, faceless people with one exception: CNN interviewed Mike Walter at the scene (close-up on his face) who said he was in his car stuck in traffic when he saw a plane fly by low and crash into the side of the building. He says parts of the plane are on the overpass. He also says, "And the toughest thing for me right now is I've got a 14 year-old daughter, and a lot of her friends have parents who work in the Pentagon. And I just talked to her on the phone and those kids are going through agony; they don't know if they're okay. So it's tough. I mean this really hits home." Walter shows signs of starting to cry. And by the way, Walter just happens to be a reporter for USA Today.
  • Also, the sentence from Walter's story "I mean it was like a cruise missile with wings went right there and slammed right into the Pentagon" is excerpted and included, out of context, in the video "9/11 - In Plane Site" to help substantiate the theory that a missile (or "bunker buster") flew into the building. That's not really what he said.

    (Just between you and me, I don't believe a plane, missile, helicopter, or UFO from the planet Krypton slammed into the Pentagon. I think old-fashioned bombs did it. This idea of a missile is reminiscent of what Jim Garrison refers to as a "false sponsor" in his book On the Trail of the Assassins.)

  • From a helicopter ABC News shows us the onlookers on the nearby overpass.
  • A witness, live, at the Trade Center adamantly tells a Fox News reporter that no second plane crashed into the South Tower, but a bomb had exploded.
  • Question #1) How can somebody witness a Boeing 767 jet smash through a building and not know it was a plane? Even if his eyes were closed wouldn't he know?

    Question #2) Why were the video shots of Flight 175 making impact on the back side of the South Tower not aired until after 4:30 pm, when everything else was shown to us quickly, if not live?

    Question #3) Why is there no noticeable plane wreckage seen falling from the front, back, or side of the South Tower?

  • Video footage of the Flight 93 crash site at Shanksville, Pennsylvania shows nothing but a ditch, smoke, and some broken trees.
  • Take a good hard look at the witnesses being interviewed throughout the day who claim to have seen planes crash into buildings. Could these people be actors? With some emphasis on mocking New Yorkers and New York-based movies and TV shows?
  • (Fake pictures on the internet show a larger and more believable hole in the building. And to add to the entertainment they even threw in some people standing in the hole!)

    Question #4) Why do many of the researchers and "experts" of Sept. 11 (some who like to use a lot of big impressive words) respond to this evidence with a very loud sound of silence?

    Question #5) Did only one plane and one building cause this amount of smoke and dust we see pouring over Manhattan, or is something else going on here?

  • Wide shots of the city shortly after the collapse of the North Tower.
  • Question #6) Did only two planes and two buildings cause this amount of smoke and dust we see pouring over Manhattan, or is something else going on here?

    Question #7) Could these words, as used throughout the day, actually have some deep hidden meaning?

    Question #8) Why will many of the 9/11 investigators, "experts," authors, filmmakers, website hosts, and lecturers never in a million years encourage the public to study the 9/11 news coverage as it was aired that day? Even if you don't have it, and don't want it from me, you can always walk down the street knocking on doors you'll find it. (try placing an ad in your local paper.)

    For more information to help understand what led up to the events of that day I would recommend the following books:

  • The Plot Against the Peace by Sayers and Kahn (Required reading!)
  • JFK by L. Fletcher Prouty
  • The War - A Concise History 1939-1945 by Louis L. Snyder (Required reading!)
  • Project Paperclip by Clarence G. Lasby
  • The Germans - Double History of a Nation by Emil Ludwig
  • Brown Book - War and Nazi Criminals in West Germany
  • Secret Armies by John L. Spivak
  • Treason's Peace by Howard Ambruster
  • In God's Name by David Yallup
  • The De-industrialization of America by Bluestone and Harrison
  • The Kennedy Conspiracy by Paris Flammonde (Required reading!)
  • The Rape of Ma Bell by Kraus and Constantine
  • Critical Path by R. Buckminster Fuller
  • In Banks We Trust by Penny Lernoux
  • The New Germans and the Old Nazis by T. H. Tetens
  • Yakuza by Kaplan and Dubro
  • Minister of Death - The Adolf Eichmann Story by Reynolds, Katz, and Aldouby
  • The Last Circle by Carol Marshall
  • The Spear of Destiny by Trevor Ravenscroft
  • The Murder of Christ by Wilhelm Reich
  • (yeah, I know it's a lot to read, but life's tough)

    If you have trouble finding them try or

    Last question: Would an international underground terrorist network stoop to such low-level skullduggery acts of infiltration, murder, and treason for a measly few hundred billion dollars? hmmm.

    Tim Canale
