San Jose Mercury News - Dec. 5, 1969, pg. 20

    JACKSON, Mich. (AP) — The publisher of the Jackson Blazer, a black-oriented weekly, was found slain Thursday in his blood-spattered apartment in racially tense Jackson.
    The words "Black Niger" were scrawled in blood on two walls, an associate said.
    The dead man, Charles Cade, 45, was either shot or stabbed, police said. They said a determination would not be made immediately.
    James J. Murphy, editor of the paper owned by Cade, said he thought the slaying was racially motivated. Murphy said the words were written with the second mispelled, in an entry hall to the plush bachelor apartment near the Jackson business district.
    Murphy, however, said he didn't think Cade's death was related to any of the tensions in the city of 50,700 where gunfire has been reported several times during the last week.
    It was Murphy who last week called for help from Gov. William Milliken in calming Jackson which he described as "virtually an armed camp."
    Before Cade was killed, there had been six reports of unsolved shootings in which two persons were killed. A number of unverified incidents of gunfire were also reported.
